Thurs., Oct 5, 2023

10 a.m. Pacific (11 M | 12 C | 1 E)

Getting meaningful feedback on your proposals from grantmakers can be frustrating - to say the least! How do you get it? How do you make sense of it? And what do you do with it?

The two-word answer? "It depends" -- on the grantmaking organization, on what happens in the grants decision-making process - and on how you ask!

In this all-new LIVE session, veteran grantmaker Maryn Boess puts on her Grantmaker Hat and shares some straight talk about asking for - getting - and making sense of funder feedback.

  • We'll start by building the bigger context for understanding funder feedback, with a behind-the-scenes tour "Inside the Grantmaker's Black Box" as your proposal makes it way through the review and decision-making process.
  • We'll bust three big myths about how grant decisions are made. (Sneak peek: "It's a competitive process." (It isn't.) "It's an objective process." (It isn't.) "An A+ proposal should beat a B- proposal, every time." (Nope!)
  • We'll talk about the three biggest mistakes people make when it comes to getting feedback on their proposals - and the lessons you can learn from them.
  • You'll learn the RIGHT questions to ask for feedback - in the RIGHT way - to get results you can use.
  • And you'll have lots of time to bring your own questions, challenges, and experiences into the conversation during our live Q&A.

Come with an open mind, and be ready for inspiration as well as great takeaways you and your team can put to work, right away!


Can't make it live? No worries - sign up anyway and you'll get the full replay within 48 hours

Meet Maryn:

Maryn M. Boess

Founder/Chief Magic-Maker

Over her 35+-year nonprofit career, Maryn Boess has been an on-staff grantwriter; a grants consultant (winning $42 million for her clients over 10 years); a grants trainer; a grants reviewer, author, speaker, mentor and coach; and – starting in 2006 - even a grantmaker. This 3-D background brings a unique insider's perspective to the practical, inspiring trainings on healthy, successful grantsmanship she shares with thousands of people each year through GrantsMagic U (

A true dual-citizen of the grants world, Maryn may be the only person holding membership in both Grant Professionals Association (for grantseekers) - and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (for grantmakers). In 2020, Maryn became just the second inductee into the international Grant Professionals Class of Distinguished Fellows, in recognition of her long history of contribution to the field.